UK Extradition Cases 2008-17: Full Court judgments

UK Extradition Cases 2008-17: Full Court judgments

There were four court extradition rulings made between 2008 and 2017 at Westminster Magistrates Court and at High Court appeals. Each judgment (pdf) gives some background on the prima facie cases against the five genocide suspects, as well as reasons why the extradition was approved (2008) or denied (2009, 2015, 2017). Also included is the landmark 2012 European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling that a Rwandan genocide suspect could be safely extradited from Sweden to Rwanda.

Celestin Ugirashebuja

Celestin Ugirashebuja

Celestin Ugirashebuja, 71, now lives in Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex. He is a former mayor. During the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi he is alleged to have worked with members of his commune staff and gendarmes (police) to kill Tutsi living in the local vicinity, including addressing crowds urging them to do so, and attending roadblocks where killings often took place to check on numbers murdered.

Fulgence Kayishema – South African’ justice’ and genocide accused conspire to block international justice

Fulgence Kayishema – South African’ justice’ and genocide accused conspire to block international justice

In May 2023 justice finally caught up with one of the last major fugitives, former Police chief Fulgence Kayishema, who had been sought by the UN Mechanism in South Africa. However, Kayishema, his lawyers and an inept and politically-dubious Cape Town legal system have so far blocked justice and one year on the accused has still to be transferred to the Mechanism to face trial accused of killing thousands of Tutsis in 1994.

$10,000 cash windfall AGAIN – Former ICTR detainees given THIRD massive UN payday

$10,000 cash windfall AGAIN – Former ICTR detainees given THIRD massive UN payday

It’s UN bonanza payday-time again – the seven former ICTR detainees in living in Niger are celebrating a third $10,000 cash windfall each courtesy of the UN Mechanism ruling its ‘duty of care’ meant they were entitled to what has become an annual tax-free present, to go with free accommodation and medical care. Happy days all round for them. Another savage blow to victims and survivors of the genocide.

A Brief History: Justice and the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda

A Brief History: Justice and the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda

The 1994 genocide against the Tutsi devastated millions of lives – not just Rwanda but the whole Great Lakes region. It will take generations to heal the deep wounds. How did such a genocide happen despite the international community knowing it was being planned – and what happened to the perpetrators afterwards as they sought to escape and deny their crimes?

Freedom of Information Requests on war criminals living in the UK

Freedom of Information Requests on war criminals living in the UK

Freedom of information (FOI) requests made during the past two decades to government bodies, including the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office, reveal information such as the numbers of war crimes suspects in the UK, the cost of extradition cases, the lack of police and judicial action and the names of legal representatives. More FOIs will be added, as available.

Australian media expose two suspected genocide killers living happily in Brisbane

Australian media expose two suspected genocide killers living happily in Brisbane

Two suspected genocidaire have been tracked down by Australian media – Froduald Rukeshangabo who now lives and works in Brisbane and Celestin Munyaburanga who is thought to also live in the city – have been named by perpetrators and survivors in Rwanda as culpable of numerous killings during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis. Like the UK, Australia has never held a trial for genocide and has become a popular home for alleged mass killers as a result of its policy of impunity.